First and foremost
We cherish our integrity. For us it’s a multilayered concept, comprised of the elaborate screening process and all the steps we take to complete it, including questionnaires, interviews and background checks (within legislation and common sense, of course).We also value all your feedbacks and testimonies: positive or critical, presenting solutions or just pointing out a problem or simply something that needs to be adjusted. We also value all your feedbacks and testimonies: positive or critical, presenting solutions or just pointing out a problem or simply something that needs to be adjusted. Please note: there’s no expiration date or limited number for your feedbacks. In other words, share your insights before, during and after your contract is completed: we’ll pay close and active attention to them all. We want to be at our best!
Our focus is your privacy. All the information that you share with us will be carefully analyzed and stored in your profile.
For the candidates: we don’t disclose everything you shared with all the schools. It works this way: first you choose the positions, then we check if you are a match for each other and only after that we forward your credentials, introduction and reference letter to the school in question. If the school requests more information or documents, we ask you, and act upon your decision.
For the schools: we share most basic details from your profile, like statistics on demographics, class organization and setting, general information about rough schedule, curriculum and facilities.
Also, you will be able to decide if, or rather, how long you want to keep your profile account on our website after you have been matched with a school / candidate. You may request to terminate it immediately or wait and see. You’ll be charged for neither of these options. For more details see our Privacy policy.
Guiding principle is respect for diversity. It manifests in non-discrimination policy, based on skin color, nationality, religious or philosophical beliefs, age and gender. There are some limitations dictated by the laws, which we’ll inform you about, if it’s the case. Otherwise, as long as the candidate is eligible for a given position in terms of educational background and work experience, we’ll do our best to defend his/ her interests. Equal opportunities for all our candidates matter to us.
Respect for professional talent. While there are specific requirements to an educator’s portfolio, do not despair if you are lacking in something: we’ll find a position suitable for you and/ or provide you with the detailed recommendations to improve your chances. We know a professional when we see him/ her.
We are looking to make a difference. Mostly professionally: by doing our best, selecting well-prepared, ethical, creative and responsible educators who’ll, in many ways, influence the worldview of our young and adult learners. Even though for the time being, as a company, we are not engaged in specific charities or programs, we hope to do it in the future. Some of our members are active participants and contributors of different charitable movements. If you feel the need to give back to the community in one way or another, please seek our assistance and advice. We’ll try to make your time in China even more rewarding.